
Friday, 30 September 2022

Reflection on the Night Unit

1. What did you learn about Judaism?

For Judaism I have learnt that is the religion for the Jew people,their culture and things to do with their traditions.

2. What did you learn about the Holocaust?

I have learnt that it happened in World War ll, it was were Adolph Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews in Germany. Where all the Jewish people were sent to gas chambers and concentration camps. Millions and millions of Jews were killed.

3. Do you think you increased your own empathy, integrity and compassion, and how?

I think I have because I have learnt a lot more into the topic and I learnt a lot more things that I didn't know before. I could feel that these people had just so much going on at just one little moment.

4. Which activities did you enjoy the most?

I enjoyed how the whole class read the book together and how the teacher read the book at the same time. I also found that the films that we watched shared a lot of information into what was happening to the people that were at the concentration camps.

5. What recommendations do you have for Mrs Torley to change anything if she is teaching this again next year?

I think sitting down with the class to read the book was very good way for everyone to get all the information form the book. I think one thing you could do is that you could be a bit harder on the dead lines for the work to be done.

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